Draw on, Dream on

Artist Display 13.3 Pro Holiday Edition

An overview of the exclusive items packed into the Artist 13.3 Pro Holiday Edition

Fenix Jigsaw Puzzle

Create wonderful holiday memories

TSurprise your family and friends with this Fenix jigsaw painting. It calms the mind, sparks creativity, and stretches the imagination. Complete it through harmonious teamwork with your beloved ones. Get together, enjoy holiday time, and have fun!

Art Print Poster

Add holiday cheer to your home

This beautiful art poster with its bright, vivid colors will enhance any living or workspace, such as a studio, study, living room and corridor. It’s also a great collectible and can be given as a special gift to your family and friends.

Shortcuts Stickers Pack

Work smarter during the holidays and beyond

The shortcuts stickers in this pack are specially designed to improve your productivity and bring joy to your work. Customize multi shortcuts within minutes for quick access and an optimized workflow.

Treat yourself to something special this holiday season

Dear Xfans, prepare to be wowed by these creative illustration sketches created by popular digital artists. Now, you can explore more impressive artwork, paint the sketches, or recreate them any way you like to show off your unique imagination. There’s no limit to the excitement you’ll find this holiday!

Holiday Gift Pack

Specially designed gift packaging
Artist 13.3 Pro
Portable Stand
Battery-free Stylus
Fenix Jigsaw Puzzle
Art Print Poster
Shortcuts Stickers Pack
Pen Holder
Drawing Glove